When I stand before God at the end of my life,
I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say,
"I used everything You gave me."
~Erma Bombeck

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October 18, 2010

Monday Musings... Inspire

(photo courtesy stock.xchng)

If you look up the definition of  inspire  you will find beautiful words like...


“To do something, however small,
to make others happier and better, is the highest ambition,
the most elevating hope,
which can inspire a human being”
~John Lubbock

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper.
It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning."

~Maya Angelou
“In art the hand can never execute anything higher
than the heart can inspire”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

What  inspires  you?

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