Remember my
Artful Penpals post? Well, my penpal's letter was delivered today. I want to start this post off by telling Jen (that is my penpal's name)... Jen, I haven't forgotten you! I can give you excuse after excuse, but I want you to know I haven't forgotten and plan to get your letter out in the next couple of days!

This guy here was in my mailbox today. What a lovely letter to find in my mail box amidst the junkmail and bills. I just had to share this fantastic envelope with you!
Jen's letter was so fun to read. She is an artist through and through. Cool little people were drawn to add expression to her letter and the doodles down the side of the paper were a nice added touch.

Jen collects vintage photos and shared this one with me. On the back she wrote a quote (everyone knows I love quotes)! It says:
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what live is all about. ~Angela Schwindt (from
Amen to that. I have learned more from my children than any other time in my life that is for sure!
Jen also included one of her water color signs that says "I approve of myself". LOVE IT! My scanner isn't cooperating with me this evening. I am sure it is OE (operator error), but I am just too tired to figure it out. can see it by visiting her blog called
My Heart is Full. It is on the right hand of the page. While you are there, take a look at all her fabulous photography, collages and watercolor drawings. Jen is very talented!
Thanks again Jen for brightening my day. My letter will be on it's way soon, I promise!